the importance of setting goals:
There's a big importance in setting goals because they're your guide to achieve what ever you want in life. And to be honest its a good thing to help yourself because in the real world, help wont go to you and if someone is going to help you it won't be for long, so you might as well help yourself in any way you can! In life things don't occur over night, a miracle, a wish... you have to work towards what you want. I've experience it myself, example tutoring, the teachers want come around asking you " hey there, you need help?", in reality you have to do things yourself. its true what people say, "if you want things well done, do it yourself!" That's the way things work nowadays and that's how it'll keep going from now on. The ONLY person that can really help you is your parents and yourself period. In order to help yourself you have to willingly take the first step and do things right. We've all been there and done that, all of the struggles in life, all the things life could throw at you, you don't just sit there and whine about what life threw at you, you have to use it for your own advantage