Tuesday, October 31, 2017

the importance of setting goals:

Image result for just do it
There's a big importance in setting goals because they're your guide to achieve what ever you want in life. And to be honest its a good thing to help yourself because in the real world, help wont go to you and if someone is going to help you it won't be for long, so you might as well help yourself in any way you can! In life things don't occur over night, a miracle, a wish... you have to work towards what you want. I've experience it myself, example tutoring, the teachers want come around asking you " hey there, you need help?", in reality you have to do things yourself. its true what people say, "if you want things well done, do it yourself!" That's the way things work nowadays and that's how it'll keep going from now on. The ONLY person that can really help you is your parents and yourself period. In order to help yourself you have to willingly take the first step and do things right. We've all been there and done that, all of the struggles in life, all the things life could throw at you, you don't just sit there and whine about what life threw at you, you have to use it for your own advantage


David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA: 

Image result for ucla mascotTuition: 12,245$

Acceptance rate: 3.9%

Monday, October 23, 2017

 Mirnas 15

mirnas 15 was fun like we had no idea, we were at Mirnas house at 11 in the morning and left her house at 1. I had fun to the max, both in the party bus and on the dance floor with all of the homies!! there was good music to dance to and to listen to. Everything went well and as how we practiced and the studio. we all had tons of fun that i didn't want to leave after the party. When i saw everyone there at the salon, I was nervous and felt butterflies in my stomach, but i mean after all it was really fun and was a good day to spend the day with our friends

Friday, October 13, 2017

six rules to make others like you

1) Become genuinely interested in other people

to make you be appreciated/liked by other people be interested so the can think that you're a good person. Example, people in this world that they want to get their voice(s) heard, and you may want to be nice enough to at least listen to make them feel like someone, or feel wanted.

2) smile

a smile is just a way of brightening someones day/ make their day better. just do it for the simple act of kindness not for the fact that you'll get something good in return,its about being a humble person that'll do good deeds without caring about the good things that'll come to you/ reward

3) remember names

remembering names is a good thing because when one hears their name, its the nicest thing you really hear, no birds chirp... but your name. its a sign that you'll never be forgotten 

4) be a good listener, and encourage others to talk about themselves

i believe this is a good way to make people like you, because you can make a person feel lonely, or you can make that persons day just by talking nice things about that person or talking in general. make them talk more about themselves and make them think that what they have to say is important, because it will be important for them

5) talk in terms of the other man's interest

get to know someone new, and they'll cherish that moment because they feel special because of the act of kindness. it just warms your heart knowing the fact that you did something really kind to another person. we all had that time where we make some one smile and really feel special.

6) Make the other person feel important--and do it sincerely.

this means to get to know the person and just get to know them, because it makes them feel like you want to be there friend. it is a good thing to be friendly to others because you just make them feel special and known. and don't make them feel special one day and dis them the next day because that'll make you a fake person. 

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

computer journal entry

In life there's always bad people, people that will only hurt us and do us harm. Now in this case, in the media or web its more dangerous because there's sexual predators, child predators, hackers, rapists and etc. There are hurtful things and that can change are lives DRASTICALLY, such as pornography, porn videos, and there are people that use the internet for the dumbest reasons, like trying to expose a person that stole your boyfriend and more dumb reasons to misuse the internet. I had an experience in which i was hacked and i wasn't able to login in my google account and my parents bank account as well. 

Key 3: Concentration- This key helps one because, it will help you stay on task and organized on what you have to do such as concentrati...