Friday, October 13, 2017

six rules to make others like you

1) Become genuinely interested in other people

to make you be appreciated/liked by other people be interested so the can think that you're a good person. Example, people in this world that they want to get their voice(s) heard, and you may want to be nice enough to at least listen to make them feel like someone, or feel wanted.

2) smile

a smile is just a way of brightening someones day/ make their day better. just do it for the simple act of kindness not for the fact that you'll get something good in return,its about being a humble person that'll do good deeds without caring about the good things that'll come to you/ reward

3) remember names

remembering names is a good thing because when one hears their name, its the nicest thing you really hear, no birds chirp... but your name. its a sign that you'll never be forgotten 

4) be a good listener, and encourage others to talk about themselves

i believe this is a good way to make people like you, because you can make a person feel lonely, or you can make that persons day just by talking nice things about that person or talking in general. make them talk more about themselves and make them think that what they have to say is important, because it will be important for them

5) talk in terms of the other man's interest

get to know someone new, and they'll cherish that moment because they feel special because of the act of kindness. it just warms your heart knowing the fact that you did something really kind to another person. we all had that time where we make some one smile and really feel special.

6) Make the other person feel important--and do it sincerely.

this means to get to know the person and just get to know them, because it makes them feel like you want to be there friend. it is a good thing to be friendly to others because you just make them feel special and known. and don't make them feel special one day and dis them the next day because that'll make you a fake person. 

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